Program News
Great article about CUSRP.
Secondary School Teachers Trade Vacation for Stem Cell
Research at Columbia
Samuel C.
M.D., Program Director,received the Community
Service Award from Columbia University.
Nine CUSRP participants and 6 program alumni attended the
Partners in Science
2018 National Conference
in San Diego, January 11-13
(Class of 2018) was awarded the 2017-18 Milken Educator Award. This
prestigious award included a check for $25,000.
and Vicky Uribe
have begun their research projects at James Cook University in
Australia. Follow their exciting experiences on their blog:
Congratulations to John Russell (Class of
2015). John Russell has been named the 2015 recipient of the Edward
C. Roy, Jr. Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching. This
award is to honor the memory of Dr. Edward C. Roy, Jr. Dr. Roy was a
past president of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI)
Sixteen CUSRP participants and 11 program alumni attended the
Partners in Science National Conference
in San Diego, January 15-17

Malcolm Hill
(Class of 2015) received the
2014 Sloan Award for Excellence in Teaching Science.
Malcolm is the sixth CUSRP participant in the six years of this prestigious
The 7 lectures from this summer's seminar series are available for Streaming. The audio tracks are available as
mp3 files.
In total, the program has 95 videoed lectures. 40 are available for streaming. Visit the program's
video library page.
Katelin Corbett (Class of 2013)
traveled to James Cook University in Australia
where they conductied research for six weeks. Follow their
scientific adventure on their
Emily Dodd
and Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn (Class of 2013)
traveled to Malaysia where they provided professional development at the
Tenby Schools in Sepia Eco Park (outside Kuala Lumpur). Following
their time in Malaysia they traveled to Singapore to visit schools
and learn about their education system. Follow their adventures on
their blog.
Chris Lynch
(Class of 2014), Justine
(Class of 2013) &
Mike Barr
(Class of 2003) began their Astronomy training in the
Rooftop Variables program.
Fourteen CUSRP participants and 11 program alumni attended the Partners in Science National Conference in San Diego,
January 17-18.

Participants in CUSRP's 2014 international programs have now
been selected. Justine Davies and Katelin Corbett will be working in Australia's James Cook
University research groups.
Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn and
Emily Dodd will provide professional development to science
teachers at the Tenby Schools in Malaysia and then visit government
schools in Singapore.
Charlene Chan (Class of 1998) has been awarded the
2013 Sloan Award for Excellence in Teaching Science.
Charlene is the fifth CUSRP alum in five years to receive this
prestigious award.
Dame Forbes and Cathy Xiong presented
their S.E. Asia experience on Monday, August 19.
Jeff Wuebber and Tiffany May presented their
Australia experience on Tuesday, August 20. Their blog has exciting videos:
Emily Dodd
(Class of 2014), had an OpEd published in Oberlin
College's online Alumni
Magazine: Find
Teachers With the "It" Factor
17 current program participants and 20 program
alumni attended the 2013 Partners in Science National

December Anthony Finney
(Class of 2008) has been awarded the
2012 Sloan Award for
Excellence in Teaching Science.
Congratulations to Justine Davies
(Class of 2013). Her research has resulted in a
paper, of which she is a named author.
September Congratulations to
Chris Chopp (Class of 2011). His research
at Lamont-Doherty resulted in a
paper, of which he is a named author.
At the conclusion of the Summer Research Program's 23rd year,
21 new lesson plans were added to our
database. The total number of lesson plans now available is 418.
July Tiffany May
videos highlighting her summer research experience at Lamont-Doherty.
Must see YouTube!
June Paige Teamey
(Class of 2011) has arrived in Australia. Read about her
exciting adventures
and research project.
Chris Chopp
(Class of 2011) has now arrived in Australia, joining Paige
Teamey. You can follow his adventures and research experience on
his blog.
Allison Granberry's
(Class of 2005) students were winners of the first ever
Urban Barcode Project grand prize scholarship ($10,000!).
Anthony Finney (Class of 2008) has been awarded the 2012 NYC Teaching
Fellows Award for Classroom Excellence.
Annie Chien
(Class of 2005) has been named
Teacher of the Year.
Charlene Chan
(Class of 1998) has won the National Biology Teacher
Association's 2012 Environmental Science Award.
Congratulations to these outstanding teachers!
May Channa Comer (Class of 2011) has returned from her Teacher
at Sea experience. Read her exciting
Anthony Finney (Class of 2008) has been featured by the
College Board for his work with immigrant students. in an article
Teacher Voices: Immigration, Language & Culture
April The 2012 Alumni Dinner was held on
Thursday, May 17, 2012.
27 of the summer
lecture videos are now available for streaming.
31 current and former program participants attended the
2012 Partners in Science National
Conference. 7 teachers presented their research projects as an
presentation. 6 teachers presented in the
poster session.

December We are deeply saddened by the passing of current program
participant Tara McCoy. She will be missed.
November Paige Teamey (Class of 2011) participated in the Teacher
at Sea program on a NOAA research vessel. Read her exciting
YouTube video is not to be missed as well.
October Alia Davis Jackson (Class of 2010) Alia
has been awarded the 2011 Sloan Award for Excellence in Teaching.
August Tiffany May (Class of 2012) has been having so much fun in
her Lamont-Doherty research group that she had an
article published on LabSpaces. And if you want to see more of her
fun times, visit her
YouTube Channel.
July Alia Davis-Jackson & Tina Wagenaar (Class of 2010)
worked in an Australian research lab at James
Cook University. Follow their adventures on their
June Leela Raj (Class of 2010) has been selected as a finalist in
the Award for Classroom Excellence of the NYC Teaching Fellows
May Channa Comer (Class of 2011) has returned from her Teacher
at Sea experience. Read her exciting
Anthony Finney (Class of 2008) has been featured by the
College Board for his work with immigrant students. in an article
Teacher Voices: Immigration, Language & Culture
April Uzma Shah (Class of 2004)
has been selected as a Toyota International professional
development awardee to travel to South Africa in
July 2011 where she and 23 other teachers (out of 1,028 applicants)
will study social and environmental issues.
February Channa Comer (Class of 2011) has been awarded an Endeavor Fellowship with
28 current and former program participants attended the the
2011 Partners in Science National
Conference. 8 teachers presented their research as an oral
presentation. 5 teachers presented in the poster session.
Anthony Finney (Class of 2008) is highlighted in the New York Post story
Class Acts.

Horace Walcott (Class of 2002) has been named one of the 5 Siemens Founder's
Award Recipients.
Matt Nanes (Class of 2004) ran in the 2010 New York Marathon. Matt
represented Brooklyn educators!
Standards-based Lesson Plans
developed during the 2010 program have been added to the
Lesson Plan Database, now totaling 380.
Liz Castelli & Elise Olivieri (Class of 2009) worked in Australia research
labs for 5 weeks. Read their
Standards-based Lesson Plans
developed during the 2009 program have been added to the
Lesson Plan Database, now totaling 361.
Charlene Chan-Lee (Class of 1998) has received the National
Biology Teachers Association award for Outstanding Biology Teacher Award.
David Altizio (Class of 2010) participated in NOAA's
Teacher at Sea program.
Read his
blog. Anthony Finney
(Class of 2008) has been named as a
finalist for the Award for Classroom Excellence sponsored by the NYC DOE
Fellows Program. Anthony has received a small grant award and now goes on to
the final round. Let's all wish Anthony good luck!
Nancy Lee (Class of 2006) has been recognized by
Westchester Magazine as one of the county's top teachers
(scroll down to Head of Class). There is also
a short
interview (scroll down). Nancy gave a great plug for the
Research Program.
Tom Byrne's (Class of 2003) New Rochelle High School
Science Olympiad Team won the 2010 Lower Hudson Valley Regional
Championship, their 3rd in 4 years.
28 current program participants and alumni attended the
Partners in
Science National Conference.

The Summer Research Program's paper "Teachers'
Participation in Research Programs Improves Their Students' Achievement in
Science" was published in the October 16, 2009 issue
of Science.
NSF issued a
press release
Susan Vincent (Class of 2006)
was featured in an NY Post article:
A Natural Treasure
Standards-based Lesson Plans
developed during the 2009 program have been added to the
Lesson Plan Database, now totaling 361.
Beginning with the 2009
Lecture Series, mp3 are versions are available
for downloading or online streaming.
Look for the microphone icon next to the lecture title. April
Judith Exler (Class of 2004) received the Chemistry Teachers' Club's Resnick Award. March
Susan Vincent (Class of 2006) won the 2009 National
Wetlands Award in Education and Outreach.
Tom Byrne's (Class of 2003) finished in first place (out of 30) in the
Science Olympiad Lower Hudson Valley Tournament. His New Rochelle HS
team now advances to the state tournament. Good luck to Tom and his
students! January
30 current program participants and alumni attended the
Partners in
Science Conference.

Thanks to Peter Torpie (Class of 2001) for contributing 2
chemistry lesson plans.
The Lesson Plan Repository now has 341 standards
based lessons.<h2>September
Congratulations to Anthony Finney (Class of 2008) and his wife Michelle on
the birth of their daughter
Emma Adela.August
Lesson Plans developed at the conclusion of the 2008 program have been
added to the Lesson Plan Repository 339 standards-based lessons
are now available. July
- 26 New York area participants and 2 Singapore science teachers participated in the program's 19th summer. Alex Romero and Rachel Lytle (both Class of 2007) visited Singapore schools, and Leslie Glinoga and Jeana Marinelli (both Class of 2007) worked in Australian research labs
- Nancy Lee and Michelle Seeley (both Class of 2006) received the Siemens Science Teacher Initiative Award.
- Leslie Glinoga and Rachel Lytle (both Class of 2007) will present their research projects at the RET Poster Session of the 2008 NSTA National Conference in Boston (3/27 @ 4:30).
- Thomas Cork (Class of 2008) will receive the Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teachers at the 2008 National NSTA Conference in Boston (3/28 @ 6:00).
- Three Singapore science teachers and two Summer Research Program teachers (Kate Callaghan and Nancy Lee) participated in the program's 4th Singapore Science Teacher Exchange.
Columbia University & the Summer Research Program hosted the New York State Science & Engineering Fair (NYSSEF).
- Lesia Kaszczak and Uzma Shah (Class of 2004) worked for five weeks in a microbiology lab at Mahidol University (Thailand) as part of the Summer Research Program's International Research Program.
- Samuel C. Silverstein, M.D., Program Director, received the 8th Annual American Society for Cell Biology Bruce Alberts Award for Excellence in Science Education. Photo of presentation
- Allison Granberry, Program Participant (Class of 2005) received an award for Dedication of Service (combined for time in the Peace Corps and NYC science teacher). Award presented by Caroline Kennedy Photo of presentation
- The Singapore Ministry of Education, in partnership with A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), has launched the Local Attachment Programme for Science Teachers, a teacher research program modeled after Columbia's Summer Research Program for Science Teachers.
- Allison Granberry, Program Participant (Class of 2005) received an award for Dedication of Service (combined for time in the Peace Corps and NYC science teacher). Award presented by Caroline Kennedy Photo of presentation
- Samuel C. Silverstein, M.D. received the 2004 Westy Award for being an outstanding citizen of the West Side of Manhattan.
- Samuel C. Silverstein, M.D., Founder and Director of the Summer Research Program, received the NYC Mayor's Award for Public Understanding of Science and Technology.
The award was bestowed upon Dr. Silverstein for his work with the Summer Research Program. Ceremony photos | Press Release