Program Alumni
- Twana Adams, Bronx Alternative School (last known)
- Mentor 1993: Dr. John Bilezikian
- Garrett Adler, PhD student, Stanford University
- Mentor 2013-14: Dr. Upmanu Lall
- Sasha Alcott, Retired
- Mentor 1998: Dr. Richard Robinson
- David Altizio,
New Rochelle High School, Westchester
- Mentor 2009-10: Professor Faye McNeill
- Charmaine Alexander, Martin Van Buren HS, Queens
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Darrell Yamashiro
- Thomas Allen, Bayard Rustin HS for the Humanities, Manhattan
- Mentor 1994-95: Dr. Amy McDermott
- Luis Amaya, Queens Prepatory Academy, Queens
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Ira Goldberg
- Roy Arezzo, New York Harbor School, Governour's Island
- Mentor 1996-97: Dr. Dickson Despommier
- Nancy Azcona, Middle School 88, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2013 & 2015: Dr. Sunil Agrawal
- Harvey Augenbraun, Retired
- Mentor 1996-97: Dr. Elaine Matthews
Abraham Joshua Heschel School/SAR High School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2010-11: Dr. Jessica Kandel
- Dora Barlaz,
Horace Mann School, Bronx
- Mentor 1991-92: Dr. Kim Kastens
- Michael Barr, Collegiate Institute for Math and Science, Bronx
- Mentor 2003: Professor Michael Sheetz
- Elizabeth
Barrett-Zahn, Columbus School, Westchester
- Mentor 2012-13: Dr. Brendan
- Amy Bell, Collegiate School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2006: Professor Jeffrey Holmes
Rachel Berger-Connolly,
WGBH, Boston's PBS
- Mentor 1997-98: Professor David Helfand
- Koshi Bharwani-Dhingra,
Science and Engineering Education Center,
Dallas, TX
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Conrad Gilliam
- Paul Bianchi, Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua, NY
- Mentor 1992-93: Dr. Christopher Scholz
- Jacqulyn Bodenmiller Rivas,
Salk School of Science Middle School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2009-10: Dr. Regina Santella
- Alex Bodha, International School Haarlem, The
- 1999--2000
- Oscar Boglin, Fredrick Douglass High School, Atlanta, GA
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Liza Pon
- Gregory Borman, NYC Department of Education, Director
of Science
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. James Schwartz
- Brigette Brady,
Benjamin Cardozo HS, Queens
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Oliver Hobert
- Carla Brathwaite, Rachel Carson Intermediate School for the Arts, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2004-05: Professor Siu-Wai Chan
- Kelli
Buck, Brooklyn Theater Arts HS
- Mentor 2012-13: Professor Alyssa Park
- Ana Butler,
Penn State University
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. Samuel Silverstein
- Thomas Byrne,
New Rochelle HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2002-03: Professor Stephen O'Brien
- Agatha Cadette,
Aspirations Diploma Plus HS, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2007-8: Professor Ilona Kretzschmar, CCNY
Laura Calabrese, Bronx Leadership Academy HS
- Mentor 2014-15: Dr. Livio Pellizzoni
- Katherine Callaghan, Bronx Leadership Academy II
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Steven Chillrud
- Catherine
Calogero, New Design Middle School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2015:
Dr. Oliver Hobart
- Terri Campbell, Retired
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Howard Lieberman
- Nicholas Caruso, Urban Assembly School for Law &
Justice, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2010-11: Dr. Alice Prince
- Elisabeth Castelli,
The Equity Project
Charter School
- Mentor 2008-09: Professor Raimondo Betti
- Freddy Cedeno, Theodore Roosevelt High School, Bronx
- Mentor 1994-95: Dr. Alice Prince
- Sau Ling (Charlene) Chan, Stuyvesant HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Alice Prince
- Mary Chen,
School of the Future, Manhattan
- Mentor 2006: Dr. Samuel Silverstein
- Annie Chien,
Schenectady High School, Schenectady, NY
- Mentor 2004-05: Professor Ronald Breslow
- Julia Chillemi, New
Rochelle High School, Westchester
- Mentor 2006-07: Dr. Joseph Gogos
- Eugene Cho, Martin Van Buren High School, Queens (last known)
- Mentor 1995: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Jason Choi, Sleepy Hollow HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2004-05: Professor Philip Kim
- Christopher
Chopp, Comstock STEM Academy, Kalamazoo, Michigan
- Mentor 2010-11: Dr. Kevin Anchukaitis
- Meihwa Chow, Young Women's Leadership School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Greg Freyer
- Jerry Citron, Stuyvesant High School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Irving Kupfermann
- Jennifer Clark,
LaGuardia HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2004-05: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Caren Cleckley, Brooklyn Academy of Science and the Environment
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. James Goldman
- Marietta Cleckley, Retired
- Mentor 1999-00: Dr. Nanette Wachter, Hofstra University
- Sherlon Cloud, Adlai E. Stevenson HS, Bronx
- Mentor 2004: Dr. David Figurski
- Traci Collier,
HS for Information Technology, Queens
- Mentor 2003: Dr. Jonathan Javitch
- Channa
Comer, All Saints Academy, Winter Haven, FL
- Mentor 2010-11: Dr. E. Sander Connolly
- David Conneely,
Private Industry
- Mentor 2007-08: Dr. Frank Costantini
- Naomi Cook, Garrison School, Westchester
- Mentor 2004-05: Dr. Joseph Gogos
Katelin Corbett, New Explorations into Science, Techology &
Math, Manhattan
- Mentor 2012-13: Professor Keren Bergman
Thomas Cork, Susan E. Wagner, HS, Staten Island
- Mentor 2007-08: Professor Kenneth Eisenthal
Nancy Cox,
MedVance Institute, Florida
- Mentor 2008-09: Dr. Greg
- Kenneth Daly, Retired
- Mentor 1992-93: Dr. Robert Winchester
- Ralph D'Ambrosio, Garden City HS, Nassau
- Mentor 2008: Professor Ronald Breslow
- Peter D'Amico,
Eleanor Roosevelt HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2006-07: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Jennifer Dalhstrom, Bronx Lab School
- Mentor 2015: Professor Valerie
- Marlyn Daniel-Paul, John Dewey High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1994-95: Professor Brian Bent
- Richard D'Auria,
- Mentor 1992-93: Dr. Howard Lieberman
- Justine Davies
McClellan, Bronxville HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2012-13: Dr. Benjamin Tycko
- Alia Davis-Jackson,
Curtis High School, Staten Island
- Mentor 2009-10: Professor Daniel Wolf Savin
- Derresa Davis-Tobin, Region 8, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Liza Pon
- Joanne DeMizio, Retired
- Mentor 2002-03: Professor David Helfand
- David Deutsch, Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics
- Mentor 2000-01: Professor David Helfand
- (Alicia) Mercedes Diez-McNicholas,
North Middle School, Brentwood, Long Island
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Robert Winchester
- Natalie DiPaolo, Saunders Trade & Technical High School, Westchester
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Susan Steinberg
- Emily
Dodd Peterson, Benson Polytechnic High School, Portland, Oregon
- Mentor 2012-13: Dr. Carol Mason
- Florence Dodier, Malverne HS, Long Island
- Mentor 2002-03: Professor Ronald Breslow
- Helen Dole, Lower Manhattan Community Middle School
- Mentor 2012-13: Dr. Sidney Hemming
- Felix Duah, John F. Kennedy High School, Bronx
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. Erick Schon
- Gusteau Duclos, DeVry University, Queens (faculty)
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Elena Aprile
- William Dugan, NYC Department of Education, Attendance
- Mentor 2003-04: Drs. Peter Schlosser & David Ho
- Nicole Dulaney, Hillcrest High School, Queens
- Mentor 2014-15:
Professor Upmanu Lall
- Anita Edwards, IS-285, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2008-09: Professor Kartik
- Jason Econome, Stuyvesant HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2014-15:
Dr. Markus Siegelin
- Neil Farley, Bronx High School of Science
- Mentor1997-98: Professor Michael Mauel
- Alice (Feinberg) Barnes, Residency in Radiology, Pittsburgh
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Reba Goodman
- C. Anthony Finney, Flushing International HS, Queens
- Mentor 2007-08: Dr. Fred Chang
- Ghulam Firdaus, Law and Public Service HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2005-06: Professor Irving Herman
- Todd Flomberg, The Nightingale-Bamford School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2000-01: Professor Kenneth Eisenthal
- Gary Foote, South Carroll High School, Maryland
- Mentor 1990-91: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Dame
Forbes, East Rockaway H.S., Long Island
- Mentor 2011-12: Professor Faye McNeill
- Jared Fox,
Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2007-08: Professor Brian Mailloux, Barnard College
- Mitchell Fox, Retired
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. James Hansen
- Carlos Franco, Sleepy Hollow High School, Westchester
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Christian Schindler
- Brandan Fremd, Columbia Secondary School for Math,
Science & Engineering, Manhattan
- Mentor 2015-16: Professor
James Hone
- Akiva Friedman,
White Plains HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2006-07: Professor Scott Banta
- David Friedman,
General Douglas MacArthur HS, Long Island
- Mentor 2002-03: Dr. Steven Chillrud
- Joyce Fruchter, Yeshiva of Flatbush HS, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2004-05: Dr. Li Zhang
- Stephen Gallagher,
Harry S. Truman High School, Bronx
- Mentor 2009-10: Office of the Medical Examiner (NYC)
- Hector Gamboa, Brentwood West Middle School, Long
- Mentor 2013-14: Dr. Simone Sanna-Cherchi
- Denice Gamper, Bard HS Early College, Manhattan
- Mentor 1992-93: Dr. Lorna Role
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Ralph Stefani, St. John's University
- Mentor 2009-10: Dr. Samuel Silverstein
- Mentor 2011-13: Dr. John Loike
- Mary-anne Garcia-Mandell, Bronx Aerospace Academy
- Mentor 1999-2000: Professor Irving Herman
- Mentor 2001-02: Professor Tae Young Chang, New York University
- Arthur Geen, I.S. 227, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Howard Lieberman
- JoAnn Gensert,
Bronx High School of Science
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Mary Beth Hatten
- P. Mathew George,
- Mentor 1997-98: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Jennifer Giddings, International Baccalaureate Programme, United Kingdom
- Mentor 1992-93: Professor Darcy Kelly
- Joanne Giordano, St. George School, Staten Island
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. John Bilezikian
- Jennifer Girard, Lawrence High School, New Jersey
- Mentor2000-01: Professor Gerard Parkin
- Leslie Glinoga,
Pascack Hills HS, New Jersey
- Mentor 2006-07: Professor Sui-Wei Chan
- Mauricio Gonzalez,
Frederick Douglass Academy, Manhattan
- Mentor 2008-09: Dr. Robert Newton
- Allison Granberry, Hostos-Lincoln Academy, Bronx
- Mentor 2004-05: Dr. Stephen Goff
- Michael Gresko, Retired
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. James Simpson
Seth Guinals-Kupperman, HS for Math, Science, & Engineering, Manhattan
- Mentor 2008: Professor Amber Miller
Liliette Guzman, East Side Middle School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2012-13: Professor Kartik Chandran
Andrew Hall,
Learning Works, Pasadena, CA
- Mentor 2005-06: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Najla Hallak, Channel View School for Research, Queens
- Mentor 2001-02: Professor David Adams
- Lettie Hartwell, Frederick Douglass Academy, Manhattan
- Mentor 1998: Dr. Stephen Goff
- Malcolm Hill, The Brooklyn Latin School
- Mentor 2014: Dr. Ai Yamamoto
- Jaclyn Hoahing,
Metropolitan Diploma Plus High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2009-10: Professor Brian Mailloux, Barndard College
- Peter Hoey, Columbia University, Ph.D. student (last known)
- Mentor 1991-92: Dr. Saul Silverstein
- Staceyann Hood-Collins,
Aviation Career & Technical HS, Queens
- Mentor 2008-09: Dr. Howard Shuman
- Shirley Hopkins, Robert F. Wagner Collaborative H.S., Queens
- Mentor: 1990-91 Dr. Deborah Wolgemuth
- Amber Howes-Moore, MS 126, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Michael Shelanski
- Ellen Hsi, John F. Kennedy HS, Nassau County
- Mentor 2005: Dr. Donald Landry
- Pauline Hudson,
Isaac E. Young Middle School, Westchester
- Mentor 2011-12: Dr. Virginia Papaioannou
- Helen Hurh, Private industry
- Mentor 2000-01: Dr. Ron Liem
- Joshua Hurley-Bruno,
- Mentor 2013-14: Dr. James Goldman
- Sabrina
Hussain, The Garden School, Nassau County
- Mentor 2013:
Professor Irving Herman
- Fady Ishak, NYC Department of
Education, Attendance Supervisor
- Mentor 2003-04: Professor David Adams
- Kelly Iwaki, Hawthorne HS, New Jersey
- 1998-99
Neil Jaffee,
Urban Assembly of Arts & Letters, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1991-92: Dr. Greg Freyer
- Zulema Jones-Enoe, Juan Morel Campos Secondary School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2004-05: Professor Colin Nucolls
- Cherryann Joseph, Brooklyn Technical High School
- Mentor 2000-01: Professor Siu-Wai Chan
- George Joseph, Taft High School, Bronx
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Michael Gershon
- Martine Joseph, George Wingate High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2000-01: Dr. Dina Alexandropolous
- Allison Kao, Community Roots Charter School, Brooklyn
Mentor 2010-11: Dr. Ali Gharavi
- Penina Karp, Shulamith High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1992-93: Dr. Deborah Wolgemuth
- Lesia Kaszczak, Yonkers Middle HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Saul Silverstein
- Diane Kelly, IS 234, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Raymond Sambrotto
- Dawn
Kennedy, Wayne Hills HS, New Jersey
- Mentor 2012-13: Professor Scott Banta
- Edwin Klibaner, Retired
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. Ned Braunstein
- Robert Kluberdanz, Middle College High School, Queens
- Mentor 1994-95: Dr. Dickson Despommier
- Justine Kohlmann, Maternity Leave/Kaplan
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Greg Freyer
- Ditta Korbeogo, Academy for College Preparatory & Career Exploration, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1996-97: Professor Gerard Parkin
- Jennifer Kosnik, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Manhattan
- Mentor 1999: Dr. Conrad Gilliam
- Nicole Kram Rosen,
Hamilton Heights School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Samuel Silverstein
- Harold Kucine, Specialized High School Institute & Shaare Torah High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Saul Silverstein
- Rajani Kumaraswamy, Webster Schroeder High School,
Webster, NY
- Mentor 2013-14: Dr. Jeanette
Perron - Jennifer Lagnado, Lawrence High School, Long Island
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Nanette Wachter-Jurcsak, Hofstra University
- Philip Lalli, Adlai Stevenson High School, Bronx
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Ira Goldberg
- Jane Lam, Sunset Park Prep, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2013-14: Prof. Samuel Sia
- Nancy Landau-Gahres,
Sunset Park Learning Center at M.S. 136, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2006-07: Professor Marco Castaldi
- Nicole Lanza,
The Urban Assembly School for Criminal Justice for Young Women,
- Mentor 2012: Dr. Henry Colecraft
- Nancy Lee, Briarcliff HS, Westchester County
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Eric Schon
- Richard Lee,
Bronx High School of Science
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Bernard Erlanger
- Adam Lewis, City College Academy of Arts, Manhattan
- Mentor 2015-16:
Dr. Wesley Grueber
- Timothy Lewis,
The Beacon School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2013-14: Dr. Oliver Hobart
- Barbara Lillien, High School
for Medical Professions, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Hamish Young
Christopher Lynch, Herbert H. Lehman High School, Bronx
- Mentor 2013-14:
Professor Szabolcs Marka
- Rachel Lytle,
LaGuardia HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2006-07: Dr. Greg Freyer
- Compton Mahase,
Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx
- Mentor 1992-93: Professor Koji Nakanishi
- Mentor 2000-01: Dr. James Canary, New York University
- Lauren Mangione,
The Equity Project (TEP),
- Mentor 2011-12: Dr. Ian Lipkin
- Jeana Marinelli, Knowledge
is Power Programs
- Mentor 2006-07: Professor Raimondo Betti
- Mary Mallia, Archbishop Molloy, Queens
- Mentor 1996-97: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Clare Marsigliano Halligan,
Pearl River HS, Rockland
- Mentor 2012-13: Professor Stuart Firestein
- Irene Matejko,
Riverdale Country School, Bronx
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Isidore Edelman
- Rachel Matundan, PS/IS 119, The Glendale School, Queens
- Mentor 2012-13: Professor Raimondo Betti
- Anthony Mauro, Fort Hamilton HS, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1998-99: Professor Kenneth Eisenthal
- Tiffany May,
Cobble Hill H.S., Brooklyn
- Mentor 2011-12: Dr. Sidney Hemming
- Tara McCoy, Deceased
- Mentor 2011: Dr. James Goldman
- Tonya McKie, JHS 275, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. Liza Pon
- Satanya McLaughlin,
Jamaica Gateway to the Sciences, Queens
- Mentor 2007-08: Dr. Liza Pon
- Maudlin McLean, Jamaica High School, Queens
- Mentor 1993-94: Professor Nathan Chu, Barnard College
- Thomas McManus,
- Mentor 2013-14: Dr. Kristin Myers
- Nakita McNeil,
Astor Collegiate Academy, Bronx
- Mentor 2008-09: Dr. Steven Siegelbaum
- Gustavo Medina,
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. Herbert Chase
- Paul Melkonian,
Satellite Academy HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 1999: Dr. Peter Schlosser
- Jose Merced, John Dewey High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Alan Stall
- Ann Meyer,
Bronxville HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2005-06: Professor Rastislav Levicky
- J. Scott Misner, Isaac
E. Young Middle School, Westchester
- Mentor 2007-08: Professor Irving Herman
- Joshua Modeste, The Urban Assembly School for Global
Commerce, Manhattan
- Mentor 2017-18: Professor Yosif Grant, New York Stem Cell
- Mentor 2019 & 2022, Professor Peter Cowman, James Cook
University, Australia
- Verona Moncrieffe, New Dorp High School, Staten Island
- Mentor 1991-92: Professor Susan deReimer
- Kathleen Monroe, North Forsyth High School, Winston-Salem, NC
- Mentor 1990-91: Professor Robert Kennedy
- Spiridoula Moulinos, Leave of absence
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Ginger Chew
- Bhuall Nand-Kumar,
New York Institute of Technology
- Mentor 1992-93: Dr. Joseph Graziano
- Matthew Nanes, James Madison High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2002-03: Dr. Martin Stute
- Keshaw Narine, Bishop Kearney High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1996-97: Dr. Leonardo Seeber
- Palm Ng,
Bayside HS, Queens
- Mentor 2008-09: Professor Siu-Wei Chan
- Robert Nociti, Deceased
- Mentor 1998-99: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Emily Noto,
CFN 207
- Mentor 2004-05: Professor Arlin Crotts
- Michele
Peekskill HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2012-13: Dr. Tom Guilarte
Sasha O'Connor,
Cobble Hill School for American Studies, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2004-05: Professor Don Hood
- Abel Olivencia, PKU University, China
- Mentor 2007-08: Dr. Ian Lipkin
- Elise Olivieri, Curtis HS, Staten Island
- Mentor 2008-09: Dr. Robert Newton
- Oluwasegun Omoloju,
Camp Lejeune High School, North Carolina
- Mentor 2003-04: Professor Thomas Pedersen
- Pierre Orbe,
DeWitt Clinton HS, Bronx
- Mentor 2006-07: Dr. Hynek Wichterle
- Steven Oszust, Brooklyn International High School
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Hari Bhat
- Eugene Palatulan,
Medical School Student
- Mentor 2008-09: Dr. David Fidock
- Maria Papadimitropoulos,
Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2007-08: Dr. Robert Newton
- Sara Papsidero, Pace HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2007-08: Dr. Howard Kaufman
Stephen Pearl, White Plains Public Schools
- Mentor 1994-95: Dr. I. Bernard Weinstein
- Mimi Pearle, Landmark High School, Manhattan
- Mentor 2014-15:
Professor Ah-Hyung Park
- 2016: James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
- Jose Pena, North Rockland HS, Phiells, NY
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Cathy Mendelsohn
- Maria Perez,
Professional Performing Arts School, Manhattan
(last known)
- Mentor 2003: Dr. Liza Pon
- Vincent Pereira,
Freeport School District, Nassau
- Mentor 2009: Nabil Simaan
- Jonathan Peter,
John Jay HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2006-07: Professor Jeffrey Kysar
- Bibiane Petutschnig,
High School of Fashion Industries, Manhattan
- Mentor 2002-03: Dr. Franklin Costantini
- Melinda Pittis,
BOCES of Southern Westchester
- Mentor 2000-01: Dr. Christian Schindler
- Suzanne Poole, Science Park HS, New Jersey
- Mentor 2014-15: Professor Kartik Chandran
- 2016: James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
- Trudy Prout-Phillips, Cobble Hill High School for American Studies, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Lorna Role
- Kiran Purohit, Manhattan Academy of Technology
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Robert Kass
- Leela Raj,
Jonathan Levin HS for Media & Communications, Bronx
- Mentor 2009-10: Dr.
Greg Freyer
- Arlene Ramos, Health
Professions & Human Services HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2015 &
2017: Dr. Ottavio Arancio
- Larissa Raven, Union
City HS, New Jersey
- Mentor 2003-04: Professor Jeffrey Holmes
- Britt Reichborn-Kjennerud, Private Sector
- Mentor 1997-98: Professor Jacqueline VanGorkom
- Palma Repole, Fieldston School, Bronx
- Mentor 2002: Dr. Raphael Clynes
- Tehilla Rieser, SAR Academy, Bronx
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Wei Zheng
- Shane Riordan,
Analyst for private organization
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Martin Stute
- Christina Roberts, New Visions Charter HS for
Humanities, Bronx
- Mentor 2014-15: Dr. Michael Gershon
- Megan Roberts,
Math for America Executive Director
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Peter Schlosser
- Wendy Rokach-Bienstock,
Young Women's Leadership School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Gerald Siu
- Anthony Romano, John Bowne High School, Queens
- Mentor 1991-92: Dr. Howard Shuman
- Alexandra Romero,
Gorton HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2006-07: Dr. Virginia Papaioannou
- Marc Rosner, Hastings High School, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
- Mentor 1994-95: Dr. Anthony Nichols
- Daniel Rouillard,
Achievement First Crown Heights High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2008: Dr. Robert Newton
- Rob Rouse, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
- Mentor 2007-08: Professor Samuel Sia
- Adrienne Rubin,
Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Gary Swergold
- Kathleen Rucker, Brooklyn International HS
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Ian Lipkin
- Steven Running,
Yavapai College, Prescott, Arizona
- Mentor 1992-93: Professor Ronald Breslow
- John Russell, Math for America
- Mentor 2014-15: Professor Tiffany Shaw
- Dean Saghafi-Ezaz, Lincoln High School, Westchester
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Eric Schon
- Jennifer Salemo-Hlentsaz, HS of Hospitality Management, Manhattan
- Mentor 2007-08: Dr. Jeanine D'Armiento
- Stephanie Sanchez, Harry Truman High School, Bronx (last known)
- Mentor 1992: Dr. Alice Prince
- Sandra Santillan, Susan E. Wagner HS, Staten Island
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Martin Stute
- David Sappin,
Wagner College, Staten Island
- Mentor 1996-97: Dr. Gerard Bond
- Margaret Savitzky, Thomas A. Edison Vocational/Technical HS, Queens
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Rodney Rothstein
- Michelle Seeley-Flannory, Elmont Memorial Junior/Senior HS, Nassau County
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Hari Bhat
- Uzma Shah,
Baruch College Campus HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Lorraine Symington
- Keith Sheppard,
Stony Brook University
- Mentor 1991-92: Professor Kenneth Eisenthal
- Sausen Silmi, Susan E. Wagner High School, Staten Island
- Mentor 1996: Professor Brian Bent
- Mentor 1997: Professor Luis Avila
- Charles Simic,
Urban Action Academy, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Gerald Siu
- Carmen Simon, Teacher Preparatory, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2000-01: Dr. Richard Kessin
- Savitri Singh, Nyack High School, Nyack, NY
- Mentor 1996-97: Professor Kenneth Eisenthal
- Gail Sobel, Grover Cleveland High School, Queens (last known)
- Mentor 1994: Professor Lawrence Chasin
- Dana Solecki Okeson, St. Ann's School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Samuel Silverstein
- Anna Solovyeva, Emma Lazarus HS for English Language
Learners, Manhattan
- Mentor 2014-15: Dr. Brian McCabe
Mary Ann Spicijaric, St. Francis Prep High School, Queens
- Mentors 1994-95: Drs. Greg Freyer & Howard Lieberman
- Shereen Springer, Teachers Preparatory School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Howard Lieberman
- Tonya Springer-De Caul,
Brooklyn Collegiate
- Mentor 2003-04: Professor Irving Herman
- Valerie Stecher-Zumbo, New Rochelle HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2010-11: Professor James Hone
- Gila Stein, Maayanot, New Jersey
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Cathy Mendelsohn
- George Stengren, Retired
- Mentor 2001-02: Dr. Lloyd Greene
- Ben Stevens, Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics
- Mentor 2002-03: Professor Nicholas Turro
- Michelle Stinvil, William H. Maxwell Vocational High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Howard Lieberman
- Elliot Stolowitz, Retired
- Mentor 1992-93: Dr. Irving Kupferman
- Kathryn Straubel,
Fair Lawn HS, New Jersey
- Mentor 2006-07: Professor Kartik Chandran
- Shraddha Subramaniam Nunziata,
Director of Civic Engagement in Citizen Schools
- Mentor 2008-09: Dr. Rachel Miller
- Jennifer Sullivan, Midwood HS, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2004-05: Dr. Franklin Costantini
- Jeremy Szerlip,
Scarsdale HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Lloyd Greene
- Paige Teamey,
Iridescent Learning
- Mentor 2010-11: Professor
Irving Herman
- Alex Thomas, JHS 231, Queens
- Mentor 1993-94: Dr. Michael Gershon
- Peter Torpie, New Milford High School, New Jersey
- Mentor 2000-01: Professor Alan West
- Hoa Tu, Queens North High School, Superintendent
- Mentor 2000-01: Dr. Bill Blaner
- Mardi Tuminaro,
Institute for Student Achievement, Nassau County
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Herbert Chase
- Jassy Ubhi,
Lower Manhattan Art Academy
- Mentor 1999-2000: Professor James Thomas
- Vicky Uribe, Nanuet Middle School, Rockland County
- Mentor 2012 & 2014: Dr. Llyod Greene
- Linda Vales, John Dewey HS, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Howard Kaufman
- Khadija Vann-Mason, Pathways College Preparatory School , Queens
- Mentor 20010-20: Professor Colin Nuckolls
- Susan Vincent,
- Mentor 2005-06: Dr. Robert Newton
- Tina Wagenaar,
New Visions Charter School for Advanced Math & Science, Bronx
- Mentor 2009-10: Professor
Nicholas Turro
- Aoife Walsh, High School of American Studies at Lehman
College, Bronx
- Mentors 2015-16: Drs.
Ann McDermott & Kartik Chandran -
Diane Walsh, Regis High School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1991-92: Dr. John Belezikian
- Raymond Walsh, Southwestern U. Medical School, Texas (last known)
- Mentor 1990-91: Dr. Samuel Silverstein
- Youning Wang, Murry Bergtraum HS, Manhattan
- Mentor 2002-03: Professor Rasti Levicky
- Kenneth Wasserman, Highland Park High School, New Jersey
- Mentor 1994-95: Dr. Ray Sambrotto
- Carrie Weber, Private Education Company,
Charlottesville, Virginia
- Mentor 2007-08: Professor James Hone
- Melissa Webster,
Hastings HS, Westchester
- Mentor 2002-03: Dr. Greg Freyer
- Patrick Whelton,
School of the Future, Manhattan
- Mentor 2009-10: Professor Frances Champagne
- Michelle White,
Henry Ford Academy, Michigan
- Mentor 1996: Dr. Greg Freyer
- Ellie Williamson, Urban Assembly School of Design and
Construction, Manhattan
- Mentors 2015-16: Drs.
Clarissa Waits & Haosheng Sun-
Anne Williard, Mott Hall 2, Manhattan
- Mentor 2013-14: Dr. Adrian Brugger
- Mary Elizabeth Wilson,
Assistant Professor, Manhattan College
- Mentor 1995-96: Dr. Rene Hen
- Robert Winston,
Brooklyn Academy of Science and the Environment
- Mentor 1991-92: Dr. Katherine Calame
- Lisa
Wolfelsperger, Alpine School, Rockland
- Mentor 2010-11:
Dr. Wade McGillis
- Jeff Wuebber,
New Rochelle H.S., Westchester
- Mentor 2011-12: Dr. Mark Anders
Cathy Xiong,
Robert F. Wagner School of Art & Technology, Queens
- Mentor 2011-12: Dr.
Norman Kleiman
- Dwight Young,
I.S. 285, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2010: Dr. Ira Goldberg
- Nelly Zapana, Park West High School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1999: Professor James Im
- Bruce
Zeller, New Rochelle HS,
- Mentor 2011-12: Dr. Daniel Wolf Savin
- Jane Zeng, High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies, Manhattan
- Mentor 2001-02: Carolyn Harris
- Zihwa Zheng, George W. Wingate High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Cy Stein
- Michael Zitolo,
Bard High School Early College, Manhattan
- Mentor 2011-12: Dr. Britt Reichborn-Kjennerud
Partners in Science
- Ayorinde Ayetiwa, Washington Iriving High School,
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Charlotte Russell, CCNY
- Caren Birchwood-Taylor,
Jamaica Gateway to the Sciences, Queens
- Mentor 1999-2000: Drs Rodney Finzel & Sabrina Novick, Hofstra
- Monika Biro,
Aurora Schools, Ohio
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr Mark Steinberg, CCNY
- H. Alexandria Bodha, LaGuardia High School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr Charles Drain, Hunter College
- Marietta Cleckley, Malverne High School, Long Island
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Nanette Wachter-Jurcsak, Hofstra University
- Shalton Colquhoun, Mt. Vernon High School, Westchester County
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Robert Beer, Fordham University
- Nirmala Darmarajah, Leon Goldstein High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 2000-01: Dr. N. Geacintov, New York University
- Valentine Edobor-Osula, Jr., Fort Hamilton High School, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. William Berkowitz, Queens College
- Paul Englehart, Syosset High School, Long Island
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Victor Cesare, St. John's University
- Judith Exler, Retired
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Alexander Vologodskii, New York University
- Annilesse Falzone, Council of School Supervisors
and Administrators
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Ronald Birke, CCNY
- Gregory Fisher, Ridgefield High School, Ridgefield, CT
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Yorke Rhodes, New York University
- Kelly Iwaki, Weehawken High School, New Jersey
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Carol Stone, Stevens Institute of Technology
- Rosa Jimenez, Washington Irving High School, Manhattan (last known)
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Horst Schulz, CCNY
- Gregory Linn,
NYC Department of Education
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Young-Tae Chang, New York University
Michael O'Leary, Teaching in upstate New York
- Mentor 1999: Dr. Harry Gafney, Queens College
- Martin Olivieri, High School of American Studies at Lehman College, Bronx
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Richard Franck, Hunter College
- Vanessa Parkinson, Benjamin Bannekar Academy, Brooklyn
- Mentor 1997: Dr. Stacey Bent, New York University
- Eric Paul, Bergen
County Academies, New Jersey
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Ajay Bose, Stevens Institute of Technology
- Shanti Rywkin, The Borough of Manhattan Community College
- Mentor 1999-2000: Dr. Steven Wilson, New York University
- Rodolfo Santos, High School of International Business, Manhattan
- Mentor 2001: Dr. John Spencer Evans, New York University
- Ibrahim Sesay, Theodore Roosevelt High School, Bronx
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Neville Kallenbach, New York University
- Steven Schwartz, South Side HS, Long Island
- Mentor 2003-04: Dr. Alexej Jerschow, New York University
- Jerry Snowhite, Brooklyn Technical High School
- Mentor 1998-99: Dr. Michael Green, CCNY
- Horace Walcott, Brooklyn Technical High School
- Mentor 2001-02: Professor Marc Walters, New York University
- Jacqueline (Watt-Daniels)
Ross, Marta Valle Secondary School, Manhattan
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Horst Schulz, CCNY
- Hossein Zamani, Roosevelt Jr.-Sr. High School, Long Island
- Mentor 1997-98: Dr. Nanette Wachter-Jurcsak, Hofstra University
Singapore Exchange
- Alice Wang, Anglo Chinese School (Barker Road)
- Mentor: Dr.
- Valerie Yeo, National Junior College
- Mentor: Professor Scott Banta
- Choon Huat Lim,
Innova Junior College
- Fabiola
Bernadette Lip, Anglo-Chinese Junior College
- Lin Hoon Lee, St. Andrews Junior College
- Rudy Ah Sen, Hwa Chong Institution
- Yew Keong Chok, Victoria Junior College
- Susan Chew, Nanyang Girls' High
- Daniel Lim Poh Yeong, Dunman Secondary School
- Michael Low Kuan Meng, Serangoon Junior College
- Toh Kim Sing, Temasek Secondary School
- Paul Cheon Yuen, Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
- Yeap Kar Wei, Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
- May Devan-Cheok Lai Ling, Christ Church Secondary School
- EDwin Cher Chuan Lim, Victoria Junior College
- Lydia Yap Sheau Wei, Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
- Alistair Chew, Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
- Patrick Soo Mun Keong, Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
- See Teck Hock, Anglo Chinese
School (Independent)