The Summer Research Program is grateful to
Columbia University, the faculty who donate their valuable time and to the
foundations, corporations and institutions that give generously to support our science education efforts:
Ambrose Monell Foundation, New York, NY
Hebrew Technical Institute, New York, NY
Mellam Family Foundation, Redwood City, CA
Bay Foundation, New York, NY
Bay and Paul Foundations, New York, NY
Braitmayer Foundation, Marion, MA
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, New York, NY
Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, New York, NY
Charles Edison Fund, Newark, NJ
City School District of New Rochelle, New York
Cooperman Family Foundation, New York, NY
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, New York, NY
The Estate of Rose Englander, New York, NY
Greenwall Foundation, New York, NY
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD
JM Kaplan Fund, New York, NY
JP Morgan Chase Foundation, New York, NY
Laura B. Vogler Foundation, Bayside, NY
Lucent Technologies Foundation, Murray Hill, NJ
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
New York City Department of Education, New York, NY
New York Times Company Foundation, New York, NY
New York State of Opportunity, Department of Health
NOAA's Office of Education, Washington, DC
Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Summit, NJ
Pfizer Foundation, New York, NY
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Tarrytown, NY
Waksman Foundation for Microbiology, Ann Arbor, MI