Cyber-scavenger Hunt Handout

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? State why you agree or disagree and back up your answers with references to resources on the World Wide Web.

1. You can attend a private high school totally on-line and graduate with a real degree.

Agree:________ Disagree_______


2. Yahoo is a popular site on the Internet.

Agree:________ Disagree_______


3. Glasnet is a web site located in Moscow, Russia.

Agree:________ Disagree_______


4. The Global Thinking Project can be found at the Econet web site.

Agree:________ Disagree_______


5. Wiley Park High School is a school for girls in New York.

Agree:________ Disagree_______


6. In the lingo of geology, an aquifer is an underground geological formation providing water for wells.

Agree:________ Disagree_______


7. Dr. Math and Dr. Ask a Scientist are professors at Bridgewater State College

Agree:________ Disagree_______


8. The Exploratorium is a museum and has an exhibit entitled "Remembering Nagasaki" [9-12 Content Standard G- Historical perspectives]

Agree:________ Disagree_______


9. Nicholas I was the last Russian Czar.

Agree:________ Disagree_______


10. Most scientists agree that increasing amounts of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, are causing global warming.

Agree:________ Disagree_______




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