Summer Research Program for Science Teachers
Ellen Hsi
John F. Kennedy H.S., Bellmore, NY
August 2005
How can we research science careers?
This lesson involves both in class research and at-home work because it is a long-term assignment. The project will be assigned in the early-mid part of the quarter so that students will have at least a few weeks to complete the different portions. A timeline will be produced so that students will have a checklist to follow over the course of the quarter. This lesson plan shows how students will perform preliminary research to determine choices for the pool of careers in this project.
Key Competencies: To access information from various sources, to become acquainted with current scientific issues of both local and global significance
Behavioral Objective:
SWBAT evaluate science careers through internet search
SWBAT analyze the different aspects of various careers and how it relates to prior learning
Motivation: Clip of “Good Eats” Alton Brown (celebrity chef and science fiend J )
Study Skills: Follow directions; develop listening skills; Organization Drawing conclusions from information; Working cooperatively; Social Skills; Group review; Note-taking; Translation of information from research into a written or graphical format; Conducting research; Demonstrate decision-making strategies. (eventually-- Making presentations)
Instructional Strategies: Cooperative learning, small group discussion, whole class discussion, brainstorming, having students teach each other, parallel instruction, computer use, real world examples, using visual diagrams, modeling
1) Do now: Watch clip of Good Eats and ask them what they think we are discussing
a. Brainstorm discuss science careers and how it relates to chemistry
b. Discuss this quarter’s theme and ask them why “food science” is chosen.
2) Discuss quarter project with student
a. Today’s goal: preliminary research on top 5 careers
b. To be collected at the end of the week and compiled
c. Groups will be assigned career by the following week.
3) Break up students into groups by jigsawing puzzle pieces
a. Each group will have a recorder, facilitator, reporter and researcher (all should help with researching)
4) Have students research top 5 science careers relating to food science/chemistry
5) Students must hand in on a separate sheet of paper
a. list careers
b. describe careers briefly
c. 3 reasons why they chose each career
d. describe some chemistry topics these careers relate to.
6) Debrief with students sharing some of their career choices and ideas.
7) Assessment: hand in information they find, list roles and names, student peer assessment
Materials needed: Computers with internet connection, project worksheet
Summary: Worksheets/questions in class
Follow up/assessment: HW:
answer regents questions about matter and energy, write 2 paragraphs about how
food chemistry relates to these topics describing at least three vocabulary
New York State Learning Standard: Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity
National Teaching Standards: TEACHING STANDARD A:
Teachers of science guide and facilitate learning. In doing this, teachers
· Focus and support inquiries while interacting with students. (research in class/presentation)
· Orchestrate discourse among students about scientific ideas. (groupwork/presentation)
· Challenge students to accept and share responsibility for their own learning. (presentation/project)
· Recognize and respond to student diversity and encourage all students to participate fully in science learning. (presentation/project)
· Encourage and model the skills of scientific inquiry, as well as the curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism that characterize science. (relate to real life career)