Program Advisory Committee
- Christian Meyer,
Professor, Department
of Civil Engineering
- Jay Dubner,
FASTER Program Coordinator
- O. Roger Anderson,
Professor of Natural Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory &
Teachers College
Roy Arezzo,
SRP Participant 1996-97
- Denice Gamper,
SRP Participant 1992-93
- Justine Herrera,
Department of Biostatistics Program Coordinator
Jenny Ingber,
Director Science Programs, Bank Street College
- Howard Lieberman,
Professor of Radiation Oncology
- John Loike,
Research Scientist, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics
Marinelli, CESRET Participant, 2007-08
- Irene Matejko,SRP Participant, 1990-91
- Carl Raab,
New York City Department of Education
- Britt Reichborn-Kjennerud, SRP Participant, 1997-98
- Megan Roberts,
SRP Participant, 2001-02
- Jennifer Salemo,
SRP Participant 2007-08
- Uzma Shah,
SRP Participant, 2003-04