2013 Program Participants
Katelin Corbett,
New Explorations into Science Technology & Math, Manhattan
- Keren Bergman - Electrical Engineering Research
- Project: An Experimental
Validation of the Temperature Dependence of Microring Resonators
Liliette Guzman,
East Side Middle School, Manhattan
- Kartik Chandran - Civil Engineering Research Group
- Project: Biological Conversion of Methane
to Methanol Using Monooxygenic Pathways in Mix Culture Nitrifying
Sabrina Hussein,
The Garden School, Garden City, NY
- Irving Herman Applied Physics & Applied Mathematics Research
- Project: Hybridization of
Nanomaterials and its Application in Energy Devices
Dawn Kennedy,
Fort Lee High School, Fort Lee,
- Scott Banta Chemical Engineering Research Group
- Project:
Designing Binding Proteins for Explosive
Nuenyan (Jane) Lam,
IS 223 David A. Boody Intermediate School, Brooklyn, NY
- Samuel Sia Biomedical Engineering Research Group
Project: Fabrication of Engineered Skin Constructs With
Perfusable Vascular Networks
PS/IS 119, Queens, NY
- Raimondo Betti - Civil Engineering Research Group
- Project: Artificial Photosynthesis
to Produce Carbonaceous Fuel from Earth Abundant Materials
Thomas McManus,
PS/MS 29, Bronx, NY
- Kristin Myers Environmental Engineering Research Group
- Project: Ethnic Gap in Risk of
Cervical Insufficiency
Anne Williard,
Mott Hall II, Manhattan
- Huiming Yin Civil Engineering Research Group
- Project: Tesing the Strength and
Conductivity of Novel Materials
New Rochelle High School, New Rochelle, NY
- Christa Placzek Science and Engineering Research Group,
James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
- Project: Climate Reconstruction Utilizing
Oxygen & Carbon Isotopes of Speleothems