Straw Rockets in Flight! Engineer's Delight
Isaac E. Young Middle School, New Rochelle, NY
Summer Research Program for Science Teachers
August 2008
Time: 2 periods (1.5 hours)
Sixth Grade
Materials: Precision straw
3" x 5" index card
small piece of clay
several pieces of tape
graph paper
Article: 106 mpg 'air car' creates buzz, questions
SmartBoard (optional)
Senteo Clickers (optional)
1) Students will work cooperatively with a partner to create a rocket.
Students will understand how
air compression can power the rocket.
Students will compare and
contrast air compression in a rocket and in a newly designed car.
Students will graph their
results and for conclusions from their data.
Have students look at the above picture and ask them what fin design do they believe will make their rocket launch the furthest? Discuss the answers with the class and explain to them that we will be building straw rockets and using air compression to launch them.
Development of Lesson:
Next, place a picture of a rocket with the parts of the rocket separated from the rocket itself on the Smartboard. Have students move the parts of the rocket to its correct area. Discuss as a class what each part does.
Next, add new words and their definition for a word wall. These words may include: compression, fuel, pressure, fuselage, fin, aerodynamic, and rocket.
Have students break into partners. In partners students will discuss and sketch a design for their rocket with the objective being longest distance. They will then get the materials and build their rocket. The students will have fifteen minutes to complete this step.
Once the students are complete we will head to the gym and launch the rockets. Students will write down the distance of the rocket in the lab report. All students will launch from three different angles. 30o 45o and 60o.
Once students finished writing down
their results we’ll head back to the classroom and graph the results.
We will then discuss which rocket went the furthest
and why, and which angle averaged out the furthest and why.
The students will take out the Senteo clickers and answer 5-10 multiple choice questions that deal with our lesson. For example “What part of a rocket is the body?” a) nose b) fin c) gauge d) fuselage
S1.1a Formulate questions about natural phenomena
S1.1 Formulate questions independently with the aid of
references appropriate for guiding the search for explanations of everyday
S1.2 Construct explanations independently for natural
phenomena, especially by proposing preliminary visual models of phenomena.
S1.2b Propose a model of a natural phenomenon
S1.2c Differentiate among observations, inferences,
predictions, and explanations
T1.3 Consider constraints and generate several ideas for
alternative solutions, using group and individual ideation techniques (group
discussion, brainstorming, forced connections, role play); defer judgment until
a number of ideas have been generated; evaluate (critique) ideas; and explain
why the chosen solution is optimal.