Soak Up the Sun
Summer Research Program for Science Teachers
August 2011
Subject: Regents Earth Science
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Objectives: SWBAT
Make yearlong observations of the Sun
Compare positions of the Sun throughout the year
Analyze why the Sun appears at different altitudes
Meter Stick
Chalk Scientific Calculator (or use the SmartBoard to access this website:
Lab Sheet for Data Collection
first observation in September will take approximately 30 minutes.
Each subsequent observation
will take 15-20 minutes to complete.
Teacher Notes & Instruction: I
start this lab before we have discussed how the Sun moves through the sky and
why, so I introduce the lab by stating that we are going to be making
observations of the Sun throughout the year.
As time goes on, before we go out for the next observation, I bring in
what we’ve learned since the last observation to help understand the phenomena.
Before going outside, I also ask the class to predict if the shadow
length will be the same length, longer, or shorter, and why.
Because my
students tend to forget the procedure from month to month, I model it right
before we go out each time. Groups
of three tend to work best with one person holding the meter stick, one person
holding the clipboard and being the recorder, and the last person making the
observations on the ground.
Back inside
the classroom, after the materials have been collected, I ask the students to
relate the angle of the Sun to the current season to explain why the weather is
the way it is at that time. Also,
depending on what we’re learning in class at the time, I try to link it to that
as well.
Lab Activity:
Students will use the
Soak Up the
Sun lab sheet to make observations.
Students will use the Sun Soaked lab sheet in June to review all
observations, synthesize their knowledge and prepare for the June Earth Science
Regents exam.
New York State
Earth Science Core Curriculum Alignment:
Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design
Scientific Inquiry
Key Idea 1:
Key Idea 3:
Standard 4: The Physical Setting
Idea 1:
Performance Indicator 1.1:
Understanding 1.1a: Most objects in the solar system are in regular and
predictable motion.
Patterns of Change
Idea 5: