Your gel has now been run and stained.
Photograph your gel, and sketch a picture of it here:
Who are the parents? How can you tell?
Answer the following on a separate sheet of paper,
To relate this experience to chemistry.
1. What type of molecule is DNA? What type of bonding does it have, what properties?
2. How do restriction enzymes “cut” DNA?
3. During electrophoresis, why do the DNA fragments move?
4. What charge does DNA have? What electrode will it travel towards?
5.While the DNA is traveling, bubbles are forming at the anode and cathode, explain their presence in terms of chemistry.
6. How can you determine the size of a DNA fragment on the basis of the distance it has moved?
7. How is gel electrophoresis particle size sorting of a mixture?
8. What is a mixture that YOU could sort based on particle size?
9. What are the important chemistry concepts behind DNA profiling?