Summer Research Program for Science Teachers


Jennifer Clark 


Talent Unlimited High School



August 2004



Organization of the Periodic Table


Topics: Lewis Dot Structures, Ionization Energy, Electronegativity
Aim: What is the relationship between ionization energy and electronegativity?
Do Now: On today's handout. (Review of Lewis Dot Structures and electronegativity).

Behavioral Objectives:
SWR: Electronegativitity, Lewis Dot Structures, properties of transition metals and noble gases.
SWBAT: Define electronegativity, define ionization energy, identify elements with high and low values of each, compare ionization energy to electronegativity and understand the basis for bonding.

Motivation: A fictional story which creates an analogy to the process of the loss and gain of electrons and ultimately bonding. The story is in a language that the students should be able to easily absorb and creates a macro level context for microscopic concepts.

NYC Science Standards:

S1a: Demonstrates an understanding of the structure of atoms
S1f: Demonstrates an understanding of interactions of energy and matter

National Science Standards:
Program Standard A: Teaching practices need to be consistent with the goals and curriculum framework.
Teaching standard A: Select teaching and assessment strategies that support the development of student
understanding and nurture a community of science learners.
Teaching Standard B: Teachers of science guide and facilitate learning.

Materials: Today's handouts. Reference tables.

Vocabulary: Electronegativity, ionization energy, Lewis Dot Structures.

Development of Lesson:
- Monitors distribute graded work and collect last night's homework.
1. Students will complete the `do now' assignment independently. (2-3 minutes).
2. Selected students will put their answers on the board.
3. Review of the `do now' answers as a class. (3-4 minutes).
4. Read the story together as a class. (6-8 minutes).
5. Students meet in groups to answer questions about the story. (12 minutes).
6. Review answers to questions (students report out). (8 minutes).
7. Answer summarizing questions as a class. (5 minutes).

Summary: Questions to be answered on today's handout. (Including aim question).

Homework: Worksheet to be handed out today. Due Monday. Also, notecard assignement due Monday.

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