DNA Review Sheet




Name ______________________________________________ Date _______________


  1. Explain what is a DNA template?





  1. Construct a DNA template using each of the four letters (A, T, C, and G).


DNA template:_______________________________________________________



3.   Construct a DNA template consisting of the following base pair number. For example:   15 base pair (b.p.) DNA template   TTA CCG CAA TAA GCC


a)       12 b.p. DNA template__________________________________________

b)       10 b.p. DNA template__________________________________________

c)        6  b.p. DNA template__________________________________________

d)       15 b.p. DNA template__________________________________________


       4. What is the role of an enzyme? _________________________________________




  1. A primer is a short segment of DNA that binds to the complementary target DNA   

sequence. Primers identify the portion of DNA to be replicated and provide a starting point for replication. Construct primers for the following targeted genes:


For example:   Targeted DNA sequence:       TTC  GGC  GAG  ATG

                            primer:                                  AAG  CCG  CTC  TAC


                           a) Target gene sequence         CCC  GGA  TTA

                                 primer                               ______________


                           b)  Target gene sequence        ATT  GAC  GCA  AAT

                                primer                               ____________________


                           c)  Target gene sequence        GGA  ACG  CGC  GTT  GGG

                                 primer                                  _________________________





 Making a Model of DNA (adapted from Manitoba fisheries)


    1. Color the phosphate, deoxyribose, and the nitrogen base symbols using the key given.

    2. Cut the colored symbols.

    3. Make a nucleotide by laying a phosphate, a deoxyribose, and a nitrogen base as shown in the pattern below.


        4. Join the symbols together with short pieces of transparent tape as shown in the figure. (If the symbols are not at correct angles, the DNA model will not fit together)

        5. Prepare 4 nucleotides.

        6. Match two nitrogen bases (A-T or C-G) to form each ladder rung. Use tape to bond the bases. Repeat with the second nucleotide pair.


    7. Attach the deoxyribose of one ladder rung to the phosphate of the other, as shown above.

    8. Attach your ladder rungs to other rungs made by other students. (use two pieces of string or wires)

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