Interactive Meiosis


Jessica Bader

Abraham Joshua Heschel School, Manhattan

Summer Research Program for Science Teachers

August 2010



Subject:  Living Environment/Biology

Grade Level: 9th and 10th

Duration:  1-2 periods (45 minutes each)


Aim:  To use interactive computer programs and visual aids to facilitate the learning of meiosis?

Vocabulary: Mitosis, gametes haploid, diploid, prophase, chromatids, synapsis, tetrad, centromere, metaphase, anaphase, disjunction, telophase


Materials and Prep:  


Prior Knowledge: Students must understand the purpose and main stages of mitosis


Methods and Procedure:

  1. Start with a 5 minute review of the stages of mitosis by asking the students to guide you through the stages. IP MAT – is a good acronym for the five main stages.
  2. Divide the students into groups of 4. Hand out the chromosome beads and allow the students five minutes to demonstrate the process of mitosis using the beads
  3. Start a discussion with your class about the necessity of correct amount of chromosomes in each cell:
    1. Question:

                                                              i.      What happens when a person does not have 23 pairs of chromosomes?  ( Answer- down syndrome)

                                                            ii.      How does the body ensure that the next generation will contain the correct amount of chromosomes?

  1. Once again, give the students five minutes to arrange the beads and determine how meiosis takes place.
  2. Review the process of meiosis with your chromosome beads on your magnetic board and teach the stages of meiosis.
  3. Use interactive media for the students to again visualize and practice the steps on their own laptops
  4. Assign worksheet for homework.


National Science Standards: 

Content Standards A and C