INFORMATION FOR THOSE SUPPLYING LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION The Summer Research Program for Science Teachers offers summer fellowship positions at Columbia University to full-time classroom science teachers from New York metropolitan area public, parochial and private schools. This is a competitive program. We seek motivated & creative individuals. Affiliation of science teachers with University faculty mentors and research laboratories will provide opportunities to experience scientific inquiry at the leading edge of technology. We expect that these summer experiences will enable participants to convey to their students the excitement and relevance of scientific discovery, provide information on opportunities for careers in science and foster communication and exchange between students and research scientists. In writing the letter of recommendation, please provide information concerning the applicant's dedication to teaching, originality, leadership qualities, and willingness to participate in curriculum, staff development and extracurricular science programs. Please put your recommendation in an envelope, seal and sign the back flap and RETURN TO THE APPLICANT in time for the February 3, 2020 receipt deadline. We wish to thank you for the time you have taken to furnish this recommendation. THE SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE
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INFORMATION FOR THOSE SUPPLYING LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION The Summer Research Program for Science Teachers offers summer fellowship positions at Columbia University to full-time classroom science teachers from New York metropolitan area public, parochial and private schools. This is a competitive program. We seek motivated & creative individuals. Affiliation of science teachers with University faculty mentors and research laboratories will provide opportunities to experience scientific inquiry at the leading edge of technology. We expect that these summer experiences will enable participants to convey to their students the excitement and relevance of scientific discovery, provide information on opportunities for careers in science and foster communication and exchange between students and research scientists. In writing the letter of recommendation, please provide information concerning the applicant's dedication to teaching, originality, leadership qualities, and willingness to participate in curriculum, staff development and extracurricular science programs. Please put your recommendation in an envelope, seal and sign the back flap and RETURN TO THE APPLICANT in time for the February 3, 2030 receipt deadline. We wish to thank you for the time you have taken to furnish this recommendation. THE SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE