Dear Colleague:

Thank you for your interest in Columbia University’s and the New York Stem Cell Foundation’s Summer Research Program for Science Teachers. The program and its impact on teachers and their students is described in detail in the Science Magazine report “Teachers’ Participation in Research Programs Improves Their Students’ Achievement in Science” (see, on the Program’s website (, and at,, and Potential applicants should read the Science Magazine report prior to submitting an application.

The criteria for admission to Columbia University/New York Stem Cell Foundation Summer Research Program for Science Teachers are similar to those for most Columbia University and New York Stem Cell Foundation programs (e.g., strong English language communications skills, adequate college or university preparation in the science(s) you teach [generally, at least an undergraduate minor in a science and/or a graduate degree in a science or science education], and in which you will perform your summer research, high ethical standards, evidence of creativity and commitment to teaching and students). They differ in that your qualifications as a science educator, and your potential to use your Summer Research Program laboratory experiences and science discipline-specific professional development to improve your teaching and the education of your students are major considerations in selecting teachers for admission.

Summer 2020 marks the continuation of a new development in the program’s evolution: a focus on stem cell science that began in summer 2017. The Program will accept 10-12 new participants in summer 2020; 8 of whom will be supported by New York State’s Stem Cell Initiative ( These 8 teachers, together with 8 teachers who entered the program in summer 2019, will participate in stem cell research supervised and sponsored by Columbia University and New York Stem Cell Foundation scientists. 2-4 additional fellowships may be available for physical science teachers who wish to do research in Columbia University laboratories in astronomy, chemistry, environmental sciences, engineering, earth sciences, and physics.

To apply, please submit the online application and supporting documents by Friday, February 28, 2020. The program’s Admissions Committee will interview the most competitive applicants. Successful applicants will be notified of their admission no later than April 17, 2020, and referred to potential laboratory research mentors for interviews soon thereafter.

Please be certain your application is complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Refer all questions to Ms. Karen J. Allis, the Program’s Administrator, at 212-851-4819 or

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel C. Silverstein, M.D.
Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics and founder and Director, Columbia University’s Summer Research Program for Science Teachers

David McKeon, Ph.D.
Chief of Staff, New York Stem Cell Foundation

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